
Reading Modules

  • If there are any 'Required' techniques linked at the top of a page, learn them first.
  • Technique ID numbers do not represent the order you should learn them in.
  • If you're left-handed, treat every "right" instruction as "left".

Add/Remove Modules to Your Guitardex

  1. Go to the Techniques or Audio Production library
  2. Click the save icon at the right of the technique you want saved
  3. Go to the Guitardex library

Edit Your Guitardex

  1. Go to your Guitardex
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Re-order your modules by dragging and dropping them
    • Click the Guitardex's name to edit it
    • Delete techniques using the trash bin buttons
  3. Changes are automatically saved

Share Your Guitardex

  1. Go to your Guitardex
  2. Copy your generated share URL and paste it wherever you want (Note: An edit made on a shared Guitardex will not affect your Guitardex)

View Someone Else's Guitardex

  1. Go to the link someone else sent you (ex:
  2. Click OK if prompted

Delete/Reset Your Guitardex

  1. Go to your Guitardex
  2. Click 'Delete All'