Reading Modules
- If there are any 'Required' techniques linked at the top of a page, learn them first.
- Technique ID numbers do not represent the order you should learn them in.
- If you're left-handed, treat every "right" instruction as "left".
Add/Remove Modules to Your Guitardex
- Go to the Techniques or Audio Production library
- Click the save icon at the right of the technique you want saved
- Go to the Guitardex library
Edit Your Guitardex
- Go to your Guitardex
- Do any of the following:
- Re-order your modules by dragging and dropping them
- Click the Guitardex's name to edit it
- Delete techniques using the trash bin buttons
- Changes are automatically saved
Share Your Guitardex
- Go to your Guitardex
- Copy your generated share URL and paste it wherever you want (Note: An edit made on a shared Guitardex will not affect your Guitardex)
View Someone Else's Guitardex
- Go to the link someone else sent you (ex:
- Click OK if prompted
Delete/Reset Your Guitardex
- Go to your Guitardex
- Click 'Delete All'